Friday, March 20, 2009

(The following criteria comes from "The Modern Militia Movement" published 2/20/09 by the Missouri Information Analysis Center and the Missouri Sate Highway Patrol. Governor of Missouri is: Jeremiah W. (Jay) Nixon.)

Feel free to copy/paste this and change the answers - it'd be pretty funny if they weren't serious about this...

Do you belong to a militia without knowing it? Take this test to find out:

Yes or No:

Do you or have you ever....

1. Believe in a New World Order (NWO) or globalized government?
          Sort of - I think it could happen - especially as the UN is calling for a global currency

2. Believe UN troops are already operating in the US in support of the NWO?
          Not Yet

3. Believe that Jews control the monetary system and media?

4. Believe in the Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG)?

5. Prepare for Y2K?

6. Think that Obama is "tight" on gun control?
          YES He's said it himself.

7. Have concern that the government will enact firearms confiscations?
           YES It happened in New Orleans...

8. Have a problem with the fact that Obama is African-American?

9. Questioned Obama's citizenship?
          YES but I think the issue has been resolved.

10. Read or respected the Constitution?
          YES In fact, I LOVE the Constitution and believe it was inspired by GOD.

11. Been concerned that the military will be used to confiscate firearms?
          YES It's happened before and I wouldn't put it past the government to use any crisis as an excuse to do so again.

12. Been concerned that the military will be used to place individuals into FEMA camps?
          YES - I wasn't but after seeing this and looking into it... um... yeah....

13. Been concerned about the US Army NORTHCOM assigning homeland security functions to an active duty Infantry Brigade?
          YES - It did happen and it does concern me.

14. Been concerned about the military violating the Posse Comitatus Act?
          YES - It recently happened in Alabama.

15. Been angry at the Federal Reserve System (FRS)?
          YES - DUH! The Federal Reserve bought our debt! Which means that no one would buy our debt /Treasury Bills so we're just printing the money. SHEESH!

16. Been angry at any/all forms of tax collection?

17. Opposed the Ammunition Accountability Act?
          YES Isn't this about the right to privacy? Oh yes... and the second amendment.

18. Been concerned that the US government could collapse due to economic or racial issues?

19. Been concerned that no crisis will be wasted and that the government will instill Martial Law if there is unrest?

20. Been concerned that if a Constitutional Convention is held now that the 1st and 2nd Amendments will be in danger?(Currently 32 states have called for a Constitutional Convention for the reason of adding a balanced budget amendment- it will be held if two more states request it.)
          Unsure if that would happen but it doesn't hurt to keep an eye on it...

21. Believed that there are people pushing for a North American Union?
          YES - Isn't NAFTA the first step?

22. Believed that there are people pushing for a global currency?
          YES because it's all over the news. Putin, UN, Britain.....

23. Believed that there are people pushing for the "Amero" - a North American currency akin to the Euro?

24. Been concerned about a NAFTA Superhighway (aka Trans Texas Corridor that was stopped by OK)?

25. Been concerned about the creation of a Civilian Defense Force under the auspices of a volunteer act? (Read HR 1388).

26. Been concerned about Radio Frequency Identification?

27. Believe in Christian ideology?

28. Believe that people (specifically "whites of European descent") can be traced back to the "Lost Tribes of Israel?"
          YES but not just "whites of European descent."

29. Consider Jews to be the offspring of Eve and the Serpent?
          WHAT???? NO!!!!

30. Believe that non-whites are "mud people" created before Adam and Eve.
          ROFLMAO!!!! You mean there are people out there that actually believe that????? ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!

31. Been against ILLEGAL immigration?

32. Been part of a Neo-Nazi organization?

33. Believe that you are a Sovereign Citizen (that your rights come from God and they are lent to the government)?
YES - Some believe that because of this they don't have to follow just laws. I lend my rights to the government so that there can be laws and I follow all just laws.

34. Believe in States' rights?

35. Been opposed to collection of federal income taxes?

36. Believe that it is wrong for illegal aliens to use public resources (welfare, etc.)?

37. Been part of a group that patrols the border in order to safeguard against drug smugglers, gangs, or violent immigrants?

38. Support those who do?

39. Learned about land navigation?
          YES - Waaaaayyyy back in the day at Girls' Camp. Chibi-chan is learning this through Girl Scouts.

40. Practiced marksmanship?

41. Gotten together with other people to practice the above skills?

42. Use short wave radios?

43. Communicated through forums, yahoo groups, blogs, or social networking ties?

44. Listened to conservative radio?

45. Been to a gun show?
          NO but I want to!

46. Been to a meeting or met with a group of people that "share ideologies" with the militia? (Gun rights, constitutional groups, etc.)

47. Helped in an emergency such as a natural disaster?

48. Been seen doing community service related work?

49. Met with a small group unified by an ideology?
          YES I belong to a "Current Events" group and a 9.12 group.

50. Lobbied government officials?
          YES by calling my representatives and writing letters.

51. Tried to confront corruption in the government?
          YES by calling my representatives and writing letters.

52. Displayed Constitutional Party, Campaign for Liberty or Libertarian material?

53. Supported a third party candidate such as Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Barr?

54. Ever created or displayed picture(s), cartoons, bumper stickers that poke fun at the FRS, IRS, FBI, ATF, CIA, UN, Law Enforcement, or the "New World Order"?
          DUH! Of course I have! They are all laughable in their own ways! So, if you tell a "cop and donut" joke you're now part of a militia?

55. Ever displayed racially derogatory material?

56. Ever displayed anti-abortion material?

57. Ever displayed anti-immigration material?
          No, but I'd be happy to put a bumper sticker on my car.

58. Ever display The Gadsden Flag (Don't Tread on Me) or other type of flag? (Confederate, etc.)
          Not yet. I want to get a Gadsden Flag, though. I remember one being prominently displayed in my elementary schools because they remembered what it means.

59. Seen Zeitgeist?
          NO - But now I'm curious about it and I just might.

60. Seen America: Freedom to Fascism?
          NO - But now I'm curious about it and I just might.

61. Read The Turner Diaries?
          NO - But now I'm curious about it and I just might.

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