Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A quick update

I've had an interesting last couple of weeks. Interesting in that I have been very busy but it doesn't feel like a whole lot has happened.

The house gets "done up" every day, the groceries get bought, food gets prepared. I nag about homework and help transport friends.

I'm managing to keep my garden alive and get to expand it this week. (Got a few more containers!)

I have been active with the 9/12 group. (If you're not familiar with that, you can go to The 912 Project and read about it.) I go to at least one meeting a week, and I got to go to the Tea Party here in Columbia. That was pretty neat.

I started a new website called We Surround Them WATCH. It's a legislative watch page that anyone can join and contribute to. There is so much going on right now it can make a person's head spin!

And the packing... we've started the packing. We're not sure when we'll get back to TN, but it will be sometime this summer. Luckily we have a storage unit we can put things in so we're not living with the boxes. Hmmm... which reminds me.... that needs cleaning out, too...

On the "Urban Homesteading" front... WE HAVE CHICKENS! I'm so excited! We got some pullets and some Bantams. Pictures coming soon. Really! I promise! Right now they're being "fostered" by some friends who also got some chicks the same day we did. (We're not allowed to have chickens on base.) We'll take them home with us to TN when the time comes.

I have a big ol' list of blog topics I want to write about, and some musings, and homesteading....

You know, I didn't realize until just now how much I've missed putting up my blogs and showing my pictures to the world. Hopefully, now that I'm done with a church project, I'll have more time this week to put something together.

However, today is my "stop neglecting your family and bake something for heaven's sake" day. So on with the radio and into the kitchen for a fun day of baking - and while the bread is rising I can go out to the garden "front porch" and start up a couple more containers and get some boogobs of seeds planted!

I can tell already that this is going to be a lovely day!

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