Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy Ramblings

I got my seeds today. Yes, more seeds! I sent off a SASE to and I got my seeds already. Here's what they sent:

Yellow Hibiscus
Sunflower (Mammoth)
Crab Apple
Sweet William
Purple Coneflower
Summer Squash (Golden)
Blue Flax
Tomato: Way a head
Mixed Morning Glory
Agastache Honey Bee Blue

I'm not even sure what a couple of these are, but I'm looking forward to watching them grow!

This has been a good but slightly weird week. We had Monday off (YAY!). We all slept in and totally bummed around. I don't think I even got out of the ol' jammies.

Tuesday there was snow (ok.. it may not seem like a big deal, but I'm in Columbia, SC. The 1/8 inch we got was quite the novelty.)

OH... we also got a show! We suddenly had three fire trucks pull up pretty much in front of our place. A couple of doors down a dryer had caught fire. The guy who lived there took it outside while it was on fire and then let the three fire trucks, gaggle of firefighters, and a few MPs put out the fire. I also go to read a WAY COOL blog which led me to another one. I started HERE: The Prepared Family and ended up HERE: Listening to Katrina. I spent the rest of the day reading that and realizing how NOT prepared I am.

Wednesday Charlotte wasn't feeling too hot so I let her stay home. I got to go on a "play date" and spend the day at a friend's house. Charlotte watched TV on their couch. She had a good time - they have movies we don't. It was a lovely playdate!

Today I got to play at the pool. Then I spent the day cleaning out files and piles. I shredded tons of stuff and made lots of hamster bedding. Too bad we don't have a hamster. And no, if you have one to get rid of, we do NOT want it. The cats would see it as a toy. I got to go swimming again with Charlotte and we ran into some really lovely people there. I love the military. Lots of "instant friends". Home schooling is a lot the same way. So is meeting someone who's a member of the same faith. You automatically have something to talk about together.

I now have a large pile of stuff to scan but that's OK. It gives me an excuse to listen to the radio & munch on M&Ms. It also gives me an excuse to "cheat" and head to the 'mat instead of washing by hand. My goal is to have most of my "60 second plan" done by tomorrow, and the rest of it and the "1 hour plan" done by "close of business" on Saturday.

My reward for when it's all done? SEEDS! I get to start my winter sowing! YAY! I'll post up some pics.

Not too interesting I know, but that's been my week so far. Maybe something "cool" will happen. Then again, relative "boredom" would be nice. It helps me get things done.

I think I'll sleep well tonight.

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