Sunday, January 4, 2009

November 14, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

Today’s Adventures

The other night poor Charlotte just about had herself a meltdown. Too little sleep and not enough "mommy time".

This whole school thing is really wearing on her. She's used to getting close to 11 hours of sleep a night, and now she's only getting 8. I know... it sounds like a lot, especially to the busy adults out there. However, for someone who's used to a lot more sleep, that's a three hour deprivation every night, and sleep deprivation is cumulative. So, she just about had herself a meltdown.

In light of this, she has decided to re-vamp her schedule a bit. She's going to take a break from Karate until January, and she's going to keep going to Chorus (at school) and girl scouts. We've been rather lax about GS lately because Fridays were one of our few "family nights". However, with the dropping of Karate, things are a lot easier. She can also start doing the church thing on Wednesday nights. (Actually, for her age group I think it's every other Wednesday night.)

Anyhoo, the nights she doesn't have her church thing we'll have a "mommy daughter" evening.

Tonight I'm hoping a friend of hers can come and spend the night on short notice. I think little miss would like that.

For myself, I'm STILL trying to get the house unpacked. I've put some things (including ChaCha) pretty much on hold until the house is settled. Today I got the kitchen fairly well "mucked out". It wasn't a total disaster area or anything, but you know how it is... stuff start accumulating on the counters, things are put away in the wrong places, etc. As we've been going through boxes and bins, we've been setting things next to closets so they could be put away, so I got those things put away today. If Charlotte's friend comes over tonight I can work on the bedroom, too.

OH... and I'm learning how to can bacon today. Yes, as in putting bacon in Mason jars and preserving it. At Sam's club you can get 15 lbs of bacon for about $30 (at least here in Columbia) and it is already on the parchment sheets. I just let it thaw a bit, roll up the parchment, and then cut the rolls in half. I can fit about 2 rolls (4 half rolls) in each quart jar. I don't have any wide-mouth jars, so it may be interesting getting the bacon out when it's time. BUT, it's a way to preserve the stuff. Here's the site I got the "how to" from:

By the way, if you need canning supplies off-season, you can get canning jars at and have them shipped to the store for free. It took a little while for them to come in, but I wasn't in too much of a hurry. It was worth it to save the shipping cost. (It almost costs more than the jars to ship them.) I haven't checked to see if they're still available, but they were a couple of months ago.

I'm also canning some chicken. I have to make room in the freezer for December's Angel Food order. ( I put 1 piece of bacon, some chopped up polish sausage, salt, pepper, and garlic powder in with the quart jars of chopped up chicken. Hopefully it'll turn out well. Sort of an "instant dish" to be able to put over rice or noodles, or to mix with some beans or make soup out of.

We missed the November Angel food order. However, we're going to get the Christmas box and some chicken on the December order. It's hard to beat $2.10/lb for IQF boneless skinless chicken breasts.

That's my life so far today. Gotta go get the jars out of the pressure canner & get some more jars in there. Two more batches to take care of.

Then it's time to find some nifty Thanks Giving crafts for Charlotte & friend to do.

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Current mood: Content

Apparently MySpace doesn't like the fact that it took me forever to send a second post, because (despite my recent post) they want to get rid of my url name. **sigh**. Gotta love computers that say "sure, you've logged in and made a post, but you haven't made one this week (even tho you just updated your blog), so we want to get rid of your URL." **sigh**

Oh, well. Minor things... Just wanted to express my confusion....

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